Comparing books and movies is a tricky business; they’re different mediums made using different skills and far more besides. That said, they are both narrative mediums that explore themes, politics, relationships, human nature, and more. In that sense, they can be compared and contrasted. With that in mind, here are a few films that actually …
There are movie adaptations of books that we love—ones that actually outshine their source material—and there are movies made from books we didn’t even know existed; movies that many of us think are original works. Seen the films? Now read the books! Here, we’ll cover the books that you may or may not know exist, …
Directed by Eric Khoo Masato, a young ramen chef in Takasaki, Japan, is struck by the sudden death of his father. Feeling lost and alone, he leaves for Singapore in hopes of learning more about his Singaporean mother who died when he was only ten years old. He aims to learn how to make the …
Some of the best films (certainly some of the best horror) have been coming out of South Korea for years now. With so many places you could start, how do you know you’ll jump in on the right note for you? We’re going to assume you’ve seen the multi-Oscar-winning Parasite by legendary director Bong Joon-ho. …
Pixar’s first female-directed short film, Bao, hit cinemas recently, tugging at the heartstrings of viewers worldwide before Incredibles II started to play. The latest in Pixar’s now famous shorts has quickly become a favourite for many, especially among those whom it spoke to the loudest: Asian immigrants to the West. But it should speak to …